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Top 3 Reasons Why Women Undergo Breast Reduction

Posted January 03, 2019 in Breast Reduction

While some women desire larger breasts and choose to undergo breast augmentation surgery to achieve a fuller profile, there are other women who want the exact opposite. Overly large and heavy breasts can be a burden for many women due to the pain and other issues their breasts cause. Breast reduction surgery can change your life in profound ways by enhancing your figure, balancing your body proportions, and liberating you from the physical, mental, and emotional stresses caused by your oversized breasts.

Fitness woman fit girl in sportswear with measure tape measuring her size chest breast on blue-img-blog

Emotional and Physical Discomfort

Wearing certain pieces of clothing, running, and lying down on your stomach can be daily inconveniences and cause physical discomfort if you have large breasts. Another key frustration for many women is the unwelcome attention that their breasts generate, causing them to feel uncomfortable in their own skin.

Once you undergo breast reduction surgery, you will no longer have to deal with this physical and emotional distress. This procedure will not only reduce the size of your breasts to a more naturally moderate one, but it will also take away any unwanted attention and bothersome physical issues so that your comfort levels are improved.

Chronic Neck and Back Pain

One of the most common reasons women undergo breast reduction surgery is to correct chronic pain. The constant weight of overly large breasts pulling downward on your chest can lead to many health issues, including:

  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Constant headaches
  • Back pain

Feeling Unhappy

Many women with overly large breasts find themselves unhappy with their physical appearance and feel that their breasts are a distraction from their overall personality and beauty. Others may view their breasts as a source of embarrassment, which may lower their self-esteem. Women may also feel self-conscious wearing specific clothing like bathing suits or revealing outfits.

Breast reduction surgery will help you remove that unwanted weight from your chest and help you feel liberated from your unhappiness. You will also be freed from certain limitations and experience a boost in confidence, body image, and self-esteem. You should not let your breasts limit your life choices.


Making the Big Decision

Undergoing plastic surgery of any kind can be daunting. Now that you have decided to move forward with your breast reduction, it is best to set aside some time to inform yourself about the procedure. Knowing what to expect during the surgical process is perhaps the most essential step in achieving your aesthetic goal.

Your Breast Reduction Procedure

Breast reduction surgery is performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. Depending on the extent of correction needed, your surgery can take between three and four hours to complete. During the procedure, an incision is made around the areola and vertically downward on the breast. Excess breast tissue is then removed and the nipples are repositioned. Once the underlying breast tissue has been reduced, the incision is closed using surgical sutures. If your breasts require extensive correction, you may be asked to stay overnight following your surgery.

What to Expect After Your Procedure

After your breast reduction surgery, it is important that you follow every instruction given to you by your surgeon. Drainage tubes may be placed in the treated area to collect any excess blood or fluid. A surgical bra will also be given to you to help support your new breasts and must be worn for at least for four weeks or until you are told otherwise. You may experience the following after-effects during your recovery:

  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Pain
  • Mild discomfort
  • Scarring
  • Soreness

Any discomfort can be minimized with medication that will be prescribed to you by your surgeon. You will be asked to refrain from all strenuous activity for at least six weeks. However, light walks are encouraged to help with blood circulation. Patients typically return to work two weeks after the procedure. Any additional concerns regarding your recovery can be discussed during your consultation.

To learn more about breast reduction surgery and to determine if you are a good candidate, you can schedule a consultation with us online or call our office at (214) 827-8407.