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Brow Lift Surgery in Dallas, TX

A heavy brow and forehead can produce a look of fatigue and can make the eyes look small and tired. Brow lift effectively relieves this condition and can dramatically improve the look of the heavy forehead and help the eyes express a more awake appearance.

Your eyebrows play a central role in communicating facial expressions and emotions. When they begin to sag, the resulting position can produce an expression of tiredness or even sadness. A brow lift by Dr. William Carpenter in Dallas can elevate the brow to a normal position, restoring a youthful expression while reducing forehead frown lines.

The position of the brow (the actual eyebrow and surrounding loose skin) has an ideal anatomical relationship with the upper eyelid, the bony orbital rim, and the hairline. In your youth, the brow rests above the orbital rim and, ideally, arcs upwards. In addition, the forehead is short and the skin of the forehead is smooth.

Typically with aging and exposure to the sun, the brow sags downward and descends toward the upper eyelid, making the eyes look hooded and heavy. This descent makes the forehead appear longer or taller. Additionally, efforts to raise a heavy brow with our facial muscles causes deep horizontal wrinkles in the forehead.

Patients generally seek improvement for the tired and heavy appearance of their eyes and face, and the brow often is a significant component of the problem. BOTOX® Cosmetic can provide a short term, limited solution for mild to moderate brow laxity (brow ptosis), but for more significant brow laxity, a brow lift can provide a more balanced solution with a much longer-lasting effect. 

Benefits of a Brow Lift:

  • A brow lift can diminish the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by elevating excess skin and tightening underlying tissue.
  • A brow lift, or forehead lift, can reduce wrinkles, improve frown lines, and reposition the eyebrows to restore a natural and youthful appearance.
Woman resting arms on knees

Brow Lift Procedures

The approach used for brow lift procedures varies based on the patient’s degree of brow descent, the height of the forehead and hairline position, and thickness of the hair, particularly in the temple area. The most common techniques include:

Open Anterior Hairline Approach

This procedure is best suited for patients that need a significant brow lift but who also have a long or tall forehead with a high hairline. The result is an elevated brow and a shorter, more youthful forehead position. The resulting scar is fine and discreetly hidden within the hairline.

Open Coronal Approach

This procedure is best suited for patients that need a significant brow lift but who already have a shorter forehead and low hairline. The resulting scar is fine and discreetly hidden within the hair. 

Endoscopic or Endoscopic-Assisted Approach

This procedure is best suited for patients with more moderate brow laxity who don’t require the removal of additional skin or tissue and may have thinner hair patterns. The resulting scar is very minimal and discreetly placed. 

The Patient Experience

Woman with blonde hair

A thorough consultation with Dr. Carpenter involves reviewing the patient’s face, neck and eyes. This is done through an informative, interactive experience in a relaxed and unhurried manner. The evaluation will reveal the cause and effect of facial disharmony, and a thoughtful comprehensive surgical plan is developed. All surgical procedures are performed entirely and only by Dr. Carpenter.

Surgical procedures are performed under general anesthesia by M.D. anesthesiologists in state-of-the-art, licensed and accredited surgery centers specializing in outpatient and overnight care. Depending on the procedures personalized for each Brow Lift patient, surgery can take anywhere from 1 to 2 hours.

After surgery, post surgical dressings are placed and then the patient is transferred to a private recovery room where one-on-one nursing care is provided. Most Brow Lift patients are discharged after recovery, however, some patients prefer to stay overnight for optimal comfort and nursing care, especially the patients combining other procedures with their Brow Lift.

Up close of man with glasses

With overnight cases, patients in the surgery center will get a post op visit the next morning from Dr. Carpenter where incision sites are reviewed, cleaned and dressings are changed. Once it is determined the patient can be released to go home, they will need a friend or relative to drive them home and assist them with post operative recovery for the first 24 to 48 hours.

Patients are seen in Dr. Carpenter’s office typically 4 to 6 days following surgery and need to plan to come back for follow-up appointments one week, six weeks, and six months after their Brow Lift procedure.

A Patient’s recovery period can range from a few days to a few weeks depending on the exact procedure and the individual patient’s healing and recovery characteristics.

Up close of man with glasses
Woman with beautiful colored eyes

What Other Procedures Can Be Performed With Brow Lift Surgery?

In some cases, patients achieve their cosmetic objectives and desired results by combining multiple enhancement techniques. Brow Lift surgery can be performed in conjunction with several other procedures, including: 

Schedule a Consultation

Are You Ready For Your Brow Lift Surgery?

Contact Dr. Carpenter and request your consultation.

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The fees for brow lift surgery will vary depending on the technique chosen, the complexity of the procedure, and whether additional procedures are performed in conjunction with the brow lift. Costs are determined during the consultation after the surgical plan is established with Dr. Carpenter.